Fair Compensation
We believe that makers should earn a fair compensation within regular working hours, enabling them to have a decent standard of living.
We know that achieving fair compensation in supply chains is a global challenge that must be approached in collaboration with industry, governments, and civil society. Through our Responsible Supply Chain assessments, we assess that compensation in supplier facilities is, at minimum, in compliance with legal requirements for regular work and overtime.
We partner regularly with key suppliers to collect wage data to better understand wage management systems, compensation levels, and the effects our purchasing practices have on maker wages. This data, collected through the Fair Labor Association’s Wage Data Collection Tool, informs our fair compensation strategy, which focuses on three key areas:
- Brand Influenced Wage Drivers – Identifying areas of opportunity within our purchasing practices and through participation in collaborative pilot projects.
- Factory Enabled Wage Levers – Supporting suppliers in improving wage management systems that enable progressive wage increases.
- Industry Support Mechanisms – Partnering with organizations that support collaboration to advance fair compensation through programs and living wage research.
Updates on our progress will be provided annually through our reporting channels, which you can find here.